Harry Potter and the Parental Figures
November 22, 2018
There is much debate in the Harry Potter fandom over who best represents the father or parental figure for Harry, with overall leanings towards Sirius Black. However, although Sirius and Harry clearly cared for each other, there is a much better and criminally overlooked (even by Harry) alternative.
Fuck Derry: Why IT’s Beverly is Amazing
November 15, 2018
Derry is a terrible place; fuck Derry. But this article isn’t about Derry, it’s about why one of the reasons IT worked so well is because of the amazingly strong character Beverly Marsh.
Cursed Child review from a Harry Potter Fan
August 9, 2016
The internet and Harry Potter fans as a whole seem to loathe the story, citing that it reads more like fan fiction than true canon – and I have to agree with them on that point.
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